How to Take Photos While Skiing

March 16, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

How do I take photos when I'm skiing? Well, that depends!

Most of the time I carry my @sony a6500 in a small LowPro camera backpack I found at @snowmountainriver which has an easy access side pocket that doesn't require me to take the whole pack off to get to the camera. This camera is my go to adventure camera because it's small and easy to carry. I also say that it's not "one of my money makers," which does not mean that it's quality is lower, it just means that that camera is the one I'm okay with accidentally dropping 😳

If I'm shooting an event (like the recent Ski and Board Cross) I'll bring my work cameras (two @canonusa 5d Mark IVs) and my bigger pack for an extra lens and gear. I can ski with two cameras in my hands but I'm not taking the bumps or steep runs down 🤪

I almost never take my @nikonusa D750 because that's my personal camera that I use for portraits and I honestly can't afford to break her!

But, what if it's snowing, like it was all day yesterday?? Well, in that case, a smart phone will do just fine! In fact, a lot of my recent mountain shots were done on my phone. When it's wet and blizzardy out I'm not interested in soaking my good gear. There's nothing wrong with using your phone! As you can see, I shoot with all sorts of cameras and it just comes down to what I want to do and what the weather is throwing my way 😊


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